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SINCE 2009

Donation Doubler 2016

Happy Holidays from TCF! Thank you for supporting the Testicular Cancer Foundation. As our 7th year of operations comes to a close, we remain committed more than ever to ensuring that males 15-34 understand the risks and signs of testicular cancer. Under the 100% model, every single dollar raised will directly towards our programs and services. […]

City Tap House: Saturdays Are For The Boys

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We, At Tommy John, #SupportYourBalls

We, At Tommy John, #SupportYourBalls This will be Tommy John’s third year partnering with TCF. It’s a cause we feel passionately about because, well, the bullpen is our area of expertise. Our minds are always in our pants, thinking about how to improve underwear and keep men comfortable. So let’s talk balls.We constantly strive to […]

Decisions, Decisions

Close your eyes and read this passage.  Ha Ha!  Seriously, though, read this passage:You’re driving down a two-lane road in an unfamiliar area at night.  The road ends in a ‘T’ with another two-lane road.  You look left, you look right.  The moon is low, the stars are few; the road is dark in all […]

The Importance of Catching Testicular Cancer Early

Testicular Cancer is known to many as “the young man’s cancer.” It can strike in the midst of some of the most carefree times of life. Take a minute and think about the day-to-day stressors you faced during your high school years. I’m willing to bet that cancer, or dying from an illness, was not […]

Why testicular cancer is curable?

The above statement is a popular search query. We would never be first to say that TC is curable, we prefer the word beatable. That being said, the statistics for surviving testicular cancer are very good, and it is one of the most beatble forms of cancer.In the early 1970’sIf you were diagnosed with testicular […]

Why is testicular cancer caused?

Testicular Cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of one or both testicles. Although the exact cause of most testicular cancers is unknown, there are a host of risk factors associated with testicular cancer that can increase the risk, but any male with testicles is susceptible to the disease.To […]

Why is testicular cancer bad?

Testicular Cancer, like all cancers is serious, and that can be classified by some as “bad.” There are symptoms and risk factors that can be associated with the disease. Below are some of the bad, and good news that is associated with testicular cancer.The Bad News We have one young man dying every single day […]

Why does testicular cancer occur?

Testicular Cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of one or both testicles. Although the exact cause of most testicular cancers is unknown, there are a host of risk factors associated with testicular cancer that can increase the risk, but any male with testicles is susceptible to the disease.To […]

Where does Testicular Cancer form?

Testicular Cancer, is developed in the sperm-producing cells knows as germ cells. More than 90% of cancers of the testicle develop in these “germ cells.” The two main germ cell tumors in men are Seminoma and Non Seminoma, and both originate in the testis.These Germ Cell tumors in men can start in several parts of […]

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