Where does Testicular Cancer form?
Testicular Cancer, is developed in the sperm-producing cells knows as germ cells. More than 90% of cancers of the testicle develop in these “germ cells.” The two main germ cell […]
What do I do after treatment?

First, you need to celebrate.After your treatment, and you are deemed “in remission” there is a host of follow up tests and protocols that you may follow depending on your […]
Should I consider a clinical trial?
What Is a clinical trial? A clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments or obtain information on new treatments […]
How does testicular cancer affect the body?
Testicular Cancer can affect the body in many ways. Below is a list of some, but not all of the possible symptoms one might experience before being diagnosed with testicular […]
Testicular Cancer Foundation & RideAustin Partnership
Testicular Cancer Foundation and RideAustin Partner to Raise Funds for Testicular Cancer Awareness Testicular Cancer Foundation joins RideAustin’s “Round Up” Program, enabling Austin rideshare customers to donate directly to testicular […]
Zak Pendleton’s Story
There I was on May 10, 2016 in a routine physical exam. My real intention behind the appointment was just to get it out of the way so I could […]
Where is testicular cancer located?

Testicular Cancer is classified into two main categories of germ cell tumors, seminoma and non seminoma. Both seminoma and non-seminoma originate in the testicles, and depending on stage and severity, testicular […]
What are Testicular Cancer Tumor Markers?

Some Testicular Cancers elevate certain substances that are released into the blood by organs, tissues, or tumor cells in the body. These substances are linked to specific types of cancer […]
What is active surveillance?
After your diagnosis and orchiectomy, you may choose active surveillance as a treatment option.Surveillance is closely following a patient’s condition but not treating it unless there are changes in test […]
What treatment is required for testicular cancer?

While surgeries can vary depending on stage and type of testicular cancer, below are the most common surgeries, including the required Inguinal Orchiectomy.Inguinal orchiectomy: A procedure to remove the entire […]