The above statement is a popular search query. We would never be first to say that TC is curable, we prefer the word beatable. That being said, the statistics for surviving testicular cancer are very good, and it is one of the most beatble forms of cancer.In the early 1970’sIf you were diagnosed with testicular cancer and you had early-stage testicular cancer, the survival rate was 20%. Even worse, if the cancer calls had progressed past those early stages, survival rate was around 5%.TodayIf you are diagnosed with testicular cancer today, it is one of the most beatable forms of cancer. The 5-year relative survival rate for all men with this cancer is 95%. If the cancer hasn’t spread outside the testicular (stage 1), the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Even if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, the rate is still 96%.What changed the survival rates? Dr. Lawrence Einhorn is arguably the biggest proponent for the increase in these survival rates. In 1973, Dr Einhorn joined the IU school of Medicine Faculty as their first medical oncologist. A year later, he would test a platinum based drug called Cisplatin in a clinical trial. After some trial and error, he ultimately developed a strategy to combine the Cisplatin with two additional drugs that were effective in killing testicular cancer cells.The results of this three drug regimen (BEP) were outstanding, and are now the standard for most testicular cancer treatment protocols today. Thanks to Dr. Einhorn and his team, testicular cancer survival rates are outstanding and it is extremely beatable, even at later stages of the disease.