Divide and Conquer Testicular Cancer: A Message from Connor O’Leary

This June marks my 5th anniversary in remission from Testicular Cancer. As a survivor, my cancer journey is still fresh in my mind. It feels like yesterday I was sitting in the hospital, watching the chemo drip into my veins and watching my body deteriorate a little more every single day, wondering if this would ever end, and when/if it did, if I would ever get back to where I was before cancer.Fast forward 5 years, and to be on the other side, healthy, active, and getting ready to embark on my adventure from Canada to Mexico – 2,745 miles all self supported on a bicycle, is a dream come true. I can’t help but feel a little nervous. As I pack everything up, double check my bike, and look over the route, my mind is on the mission driving this adventure; to raise awareness, funds, and to give hope to all those battling the disease, that there IS life after cancer!I I am filled with gratitude, for everyone that helped me through that chapter of my life, and for the confidence that I can now say that YES there is life after cancer. Cancer wasn’t fun, and I am sure every patient, survivor, and caregiver would agree, but I wouldn’t change that experience for the world. It has taught me so much about myself and my capabilities, and honestly has given me the mental fortitude I need to attempt a race like this.Sure, I am not going to literally “conquer” Testicular Cancer over the next 2,745 miles, but if I can give hope to one individual, if I can put TC on the radar of one man to perform a TSE, and raise funds for the disease in the process, then that in itself is worth the pain, blood, sweat and tears I will encounter over the next two weeks.I am riding in honor of the ones we have lost, the survivors, caregivers, and current patients. My hope is that through this race I can help increase awareness and raise funds to push the mission of the Testicular Cancer Foundation forward, and ultimately save more lives.Please support my ride by donating to TCF’s programs and services: https://divideandconquer.testicularcancer.org 

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