Raise Funds for Testicular Cancer Foundation

Launch a Donation Page

Looking to raise funds for the Testicular Cancer Foundation on your own? Click here to instantly launch a fundraising page on Causevox.

Launch a Team Fundraiser

There is nothing more rewarding than coming together as a team to raise much-needed funds for Testicular Cancer. TCF is standing by to help support your initiative.

Create a Custom Fundraiser

We love working with groups of all kinds on creative ideas. Whether you need an in-person speaker, a custom donation URL, or branded merchandise, we're here to help.


Causevox is our fundraising platform partner. Testicular Cancer Foundation staff can assist in setting up, adding offline donations, and answering questions you may have about Causevox.

Offline donations can be mailed directly to the Testicular Cancer Foundation offices for processing. Please mail them the address below with your fundraising page name and contact info, should we have any questions.

Testicular Cancer Foundation
12600 Hill Country Blvd STE R-270
Austin, TX 78738

100% of the proceeds go to support the programs and services of the Testicular Cancer Foundation.

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